I am so guilty of being a last-minute person. In fact, one of my mottos is: If it wasn't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done! This posting is a classic example. Card challenges at The Inspired Scrapper come out on (every second) Monday. It's Tuesday today. Need I say more? Another saying I find myself using a lot is, "A day late and a dollar short". (Sigh...) If I were to try a resolution on for size, it would be to plan (and execute) ahead. It has been noted that it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark!
The wonderful Debby Visser was, of course, capable of getting her posting for this challenge done on time, as seen in her posting below. Debby says that her 'lady' cards are more available than masculine or child-friendly birthday cards. It is the same for me. I find it somehow easier to whip out feminine cards, but not so much cards suitable for men, and rarely cards for kids. So, I have feminine cards aplenty for this challenge, but NO cards for men or kids.

My plan/intention/wish is to spend some time today focusing just on cards for the men and the children in my family and my social circles whose birthdays are ahead this year. I find that once I sit down and actually get started, the mojo starts flowing pretty easily. Without making promises I can't keep, I will say that I hope to post those cards here soon.
In the meantime, I challenge you to get a great start to this year's coming occasions by getting going on your cards. One last saying that applies: Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it! Be sure to share with us what you come up with by leaving a comment and a link on this post!
Enjoy the process!
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